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技术 μtorrent

μtorrent screenshot


  • ?:我方接受对方但对方无意传输
  • D:正在从对方下载(我方有意传输且被接受)
  • d:对方拒绝下载(我方有意传输但被拒绝)
  • E:对方使用加密协议(所有流量)
  • e:对方使用加密协议(握手流量)
  • F:有错误传输(对方曾传来散列校验失败的区块, 但未达到拒绝对方的程度)
  • H:通过DHT发现/连接的用户
  • h:通过UDP内网穿透/打洞建立连接的用户
  • I:已与对方建立传入连接
  • K:对方接受我方但我方无意传输
  • L:通过本地用户发现发现/连接的用户
  • O:宽容状态(在无更好的用户可选择之前不拒绝对方)
  • P:通过uTP连接的用户
  • S:冷静状态(双方在一段时间内无传输活动,但未断开连接)
  • U:正在上传到对方(对方有意传输且被接受)
  • u:拒绝上传对方(对方有意传输但被拒绝)
  • X:通过用户交换(PEX)发现/连接的用户


?: your client unchoked the peer but the peer is not interested
D: currently downloading from the peer (interested and not choked)
d: your client wants to download, but peer doesn’t want to send (interested and choked)
E: peer is using Protocol Encryption (all traffic)
e: peer is using Protocol Encryption (handshake)
F: peer was involved in a hashfailed piece (not necessarily a bad peer, just involved)
H: peer was obtained through DHT
h: peer connection established via UDP hole-punching
I: peer established an incoming connection
K: peer unchoked your client, but your client is not interested
L: peer has been or discovered via Local Peer Discovery
O: optimistic unchoke
P: peer is communicating and transporting data over uTP
S: peer is snubbed
U: currently uploading to the peer (interested and not choked)
u: the peer wants your client to upload, but your client doesn’t want to (interested and choked)
X: peer was included in peer lists obtained through Peer Exchange (PEX)